HCL Makerspace Use Agreement
The HCL Makerspaces promise a welcoming, safe space for community members of all ages and backgrounds to connect, discover, build and create through hands-on experimentation and exploration. We strive to provide opportunities to collaborate and learn new skills using equipment, tools and materials that spark creativity, build community, promote digital literacy and provide opportunities for life-long learning.
Please review the policies in this form. Acceptance of and compliance with the policies of our Makerspace is required for your use of the space, tools, equipment and materials in the Makerspaces at the Hunterdon County Library (HCL).
Everyone using the HCL Makerspaces is asked to acknowledge agreement to this policy when reserving equipment or registering for a class/program in the Makerspaces or attending Makerspace Open Hours.
1. Patrons must be valid HCL residents or non-resident cardholders to use makerspace equipment.
2. Patrons will be courteous to other library patrons and other Makerspace users. Patrons will comply with all rules, procedures and restrictions developed by the Hunterdon County Library (HCL). This Makerspace Use Agreement compliments and works in tandem with the HCL Conduct in the Library Policy, Internet and Wifi Policy, and Meeting Room Policy.
3. Prior to using makerspaces, adult patrons must complete and sign the Makerspace Activities Program Waiver form. (Adult patrons with a legal guardian should have that individual sign the Makerspace Use and Liability Waiver form.)
4. Patrons must be 9+ to use the Makespace. When not in a Library program, children are the responsibility of their parents or caregivers and may not be left unattended in the Makerspace. Patrons 9-17 must be with their parents or caregivers in the Makerspace at all times as the Makerspace contains potentially dangerous tools.
5. Minor patrons must have an adult parent, guardian, or other person with appropriate legal authority sign the Makerspace Use and Liability Waiver form for Minors before attending a makerspace activity library program. Parent/guardians are welcome to tour the makerspace area to become familiar with the facilities and equipment and evaluate use by a minor child, and HCL staff are happy to answer parent/guardian questions.
6. Some tools and machines are available to patrons on a first-come, first-served basis; others are available by reservation.
7. Patrons must return tools to their original location in a clean state, as well as clean the workspace before departing.
8. HCL can only provide free consumable materials on a limited basis.
9. HCL is not responsible if a project is destroyed, does not print correctly, or does not work. The patron understands that HCL is not responsible for any manufacturing defects or the quality of workmanship of any of the tools, materials, or equipment supplied by the HCL Library. Only Library computers may be connected to library machinery unless specifically noted otherwise.
10. Projects are subject to approval by staff prior to use of machinery. Only staff or certified patrons can run machinery. Staff must approve all patron-supplied materials before they are used on machines to reduce the risk of damage to machines or harm to patrons within the makerspaces.
11. When machines are out of order, staff will attempt to contact patrons with reservations. This courtesy cannot be guaranteed.
12. Covered drinks are welcome in the makerspaces. Food is not permitted unless part of a Library program.
13. The HCL reserves the right to halt, delete, or disallow the creation of items that violate the Makerspace Policy. Patrons are not permitted to create materials that are:
a. Prohibited by local, state or federal law.
b. Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others.
c. Deemed offensive, obscene or racist by Library staff.
d. Functioning weapons.
e. In violation of the library’s Code of Conduct, Computer Use Policy, or any other library or County policy.
f. Violate patent, copyright, trademark or otherwise infringe upon the intellectual property of others.
14. Patrons need to check in with the staff member on duty, using their HCL library card each time before using the space. The patron attending makerspace activities must match the HCL card used.
15. Patrons agree to carefully plan their time to not run-over into another reservation and have their project area cleaned up before the end of their reservation. No new projects can be started ½ hour before the end of Makerspace hours. All project areas should be clean 15 minutes before closing.
16. Patrons must participate in mandatory safety and use trainings in order to use certain tools and machinery. They may not use these tools until certification training has been completed, as confirmed by HCL staff.
17. When using a tool that does not require certification, the maker is certifying that he/she is capable of using that item in a safe and proper manner.
18. Staff is available to assist in explaining operation of tools and equipment as time allows and will make materials (such as manuals) available upon request.
19. Patrons with disabilities who need special arrangements or accommodations should notify staff at the location of interest as far in advance as possible before their expected time of use.
20. HCL provides patrons with access to safety supplies in the makerspaces. Safety is a priority.
21. Some tools require specific safety gear as described in certification training. All safety gear must be worn as appropriate.
22. Certain items may also require hair and any dangling items, like jewelry, to be secured or covered before use.
23. Appropriate closed-toe shoes and clothing must be worn in the makerspaces.
24. Patrons should report any accident or incident that occurs to a staff member and should report any unsafe behavior by anyone to staff.
25. Patrons agree to take precautions to prevent avoidable mess or damage in the makerspaces. Patrons agree to minimize waste of materials.
26. Patrons with blocked accounts can continue to use the free makerspaces services but cannot incur additional costs.
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908-788-1444 314 State Route 12, Bldg. #3 Flemington, NJ 08822 |