Follow the steps on the following videos for iOS and Android:
iOS Printing Instructions:
Android Printing Instructions:
Available at Headquarters, North County and South County Branch Libraries
Black & White or Color
5¢ per page
Single or Double-side available
8.5x11 (Standard) or 8.5x14 (Legal)
Place documents face down on the glass
Place documents facing up in the document feeder
Available at Headquarters and North County Branch Libraries
Faxing is currently unavailable
Scan and fax services are free of charge
Scan to USB, email, Google Drive, OneDrive, or scan directly to print
Use the scanner to input documents for faxing. Fax will be delivered as a tradition printed fax on the recipient's side, and an email confirmation of the transaction will be sent from the Library Document Station.
Faxes cannot be received at this time.
314 State Route 12, Bldg. #3
Flemington, NJ 08822