3D Model design sharing sites allow you to download and print models free of charge. Check the creative commons license the designer has chosen. If there are any suggested printing guidelines let the library know if we will be printing the item. There may be suggested infill %, layer height, raft, or brim.
Thousands of models. Look for models that have been printed successfully by others.
How to find a good file to print on Thingiverse
A video that describes how to search for a file and determine which files are more likely to print well. Great video to understand supports & rafts.
How to find a file on Thingiverse.com
A quick article on searching in Thingiverse.
Thingiverse uses Creative Commons licensing. The above article describes the different types of Creative Commons Licenses.
The Prusa printer prints with PLA, polylactic acid. It is an industrially biodegradable thermoplastic polyester made from renewable resources like corn starch or sugarcane. Per our 3D Printing Policy only library purchased filament can be used on our Prusa 3D printer. The charge for printing is $.10/gram.
A quick guide on PLA
How to Succeed When Printing in PLA
A more in-depth article on PLA properties
Here's a summary of some of the advantages and disadvantages to this material that impact it's use in 3D print designs.
3D models frequently require support material to print correctly. Support material can be removed with needle nose pliers and generally break off easily. Here are some additional resources for finishing prints.
How to Remove Support Materials
A video for beginners on how to remove support materials and smooth prints
An article on painting and smoothing PLA 3D prints
An in-depth guide on finishing prints. Great article.
Our Prusa printer uses only PLA to print. If your application requires heat or water resistance or will be in an application requiring a very strong part, PLA is not going to be a good material choice.
Commercial Services:
These are not the only commercial services. The Hunterdon County Library does not endorse these services and their inclusion on this guide is for informational purposes only.
Hubs is a global network of local 3D printers and CNC routers for ordering custom made parts.
Shapeways is a 3D printing service.
908-788-1444 314 State Route 12, Bldg. #3 Flemington, NJ 08822 |